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一般財団法人 大村市文化・スポーツ振興財団


Omura Kids Brass



音楽監督 藤重 佳久

武蔵野音楽大学でホルンを田中正大、フーベルト・ブラーデル、大野良雄各氏に師事。在学中より、東京シティ・フィルハーモニック管弦楽団団員として活躍。1980年より精華女子高等学校(福岡県)音楽科教諭に赴任。活水中学校・高等学校吹奏楽部音楽監督を経て、現在は長崎県大村市音楽指導官、島根県浜田市音楽定住コーディネーター、石見音楽文化振興会(島根県) 吹奏楽研究推進室 室長などを務める。2023年4月より京都両洋高等学校吹奏楽部音楽監督(ミュージックマイスター)に就任。


“OMURA Kids Brass” is a community brass band for elementary and middle school students operated by Sehat Omura (Omura City Cultural and Sports Promotion Foundation) with the cooperation of Omura City. It aims to provide children with a place to enjoy music and grow with music. The design features cherry blossoms, symbolizing Omura City, and children enjoying music.


Music Director: Yoshihisa Fujishige

He studied horn with Masahiro Tanaka, Hubert Braßler, and Yoshio Ono at Musashino Academia Musicae. While still a student, he was active as a member of the Tokyo City Philharmonic Orchestra. In 1980, he was appointed as a music teacher at Seika Girls’ High School in Fukuoka Prefecture. He has served as the music director of Kasui Junior High School and High School Wind Ensemble and currently holds positions such as music instructor in Omura City, Nagasaki Prefecture, music settlement coordinator in Hamada City, Shimane Prefecture, and head of the Wind Ensemble Research and Promotion Office of Iwami Music Culture Promotion Association in Shimane Prefecture. He will assume the position of music director (Music Meister) of Kyoto Ryojo High School Wind Ensemble in April 2023.